The Next Dimension
Welcome to The Next Dimension. Where death is the beginning not the end. Enjoy your stay.
-DBZ season 4 is now airing on Cartoon Network.

-Gundam Wing Endless Waltz is set to air October 20th on Cartoon Network.

-The original Mobile Suit Gundam series could air when DBZ season 4 ends.

-Cartoon Network has purchased all of the DBZ epsisodes and will eventually play them.

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Well well well....Date:2/21/01-Koh
Like..... hi, it's been a while, eh? im just saying that i doubt that we will ever get around to updating this site again..... we're too lazy ^_^;. If we ever get off our lazy butts we may start working on our other site.... but dont expect anything from either of us for a while, i might do some stuff here every once in a while, but it is doubtful.... This is koh (formerly known as Ace) signing off. Peace!

New DBZ on CN-Date:9/6/00-Dimension
Well it is official, the editing of dbz has begun. I just watched the episode with Trunks killing Frieza today and it didnt show Frieza being cut in half surprise surprise. I also added a new affiliate.Majin Vegeta so check them out.

I just put an ad on this page so i hope that brings me some dough. ^_^ I also am adding lots more pages so sit tight. I won an award from Anime Post so you can check that out. I also added an award of my own that you can win. And im adding a contest later on. My store is also growing so if you happen to check that out make sure to buy something. ^_^ Im going to be doing some major updating in the next few weeks so be prepared for this site to rule once more...

New Layout!!!-Date:9/3/00-Dimension
Hey I just made this new layout today. What do you guys think. Let me know by email or on aim. My sn is thenextdmension. I hope everybody likes this layout. I think it is pretty good.

I just got a store with some great Db/z/gt fansubs in awesome quality for cheap price. Check it out. Click on the store banner. This is really an awesome deal. Look into it. Dont forget to say I am the one that referred you though. Later.

Yo this is Ace I havent update for a while because there is pretty much nothing new. Except we might be getting a new co-webmaster and I dont know who it is! Its exciting!

Awesome Affiliate-Date:8/25/00-Dimension
I just got an awesome affiliate. Anime Edge. Even if you dont like my page, check theirs out (its great). I would like to thank them here and also in the thanks section. I also got some more galleries up and added images to the other galleries. Sorry i havent updated in awhile, ive been sick and school started.
Old News

This site copyrighted ©2000 by Dustin Lies (Webmaster) and Shane Lies (Co-Webmaster) Any unauthorized duplication of this page or its concepts is strictly prohibited. I do not claim in any way association with Dragonball,Dragonball Z,Dragonball GT or Gundam Wing. This is a fan site and is for entertainment purposes only.
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Majin Vegeta